Board of Directors
The STAWNO Board of Directors is comprised of neighborhood residents who volunteer their skills & expertise to do the good work of keeping our community connected to issues important to residents, the city, the county, and the state.
Chris Linde
Paul Jablonsky
Vice Chair
Jack Gondring
Meg Hasbrouck
Diane Hofstede
Sally Grans-Korsh
Sherry Martin
Established in 1961, St. Anthony West Neighborhood Organization has worked for residents since its inception.
Pioneers Monument Community Engagement
Our exceptionally successful Pioneers Monument Community Engagement gathered important information from our community on possible approaches for making the site inclusive while recognizing the historical pain represented by the monument. Sally Grans-Korsh, Riverfront Parks Committee Head, headed this initiative. See the Riverfront Parks Committee page for more.
Annual Historic Riverfront 5K Run/Walk
We have brought the community and beyond together for our Annual Riverfront 5K since 2005. It is both a run and a walk that follows the path from Boom Island, across Nicollet Island, around the Mississippi to Great River Road, and ends by crossing the Plymouth Avenue Bridge back to Northeast.
Many volunteers and Board Members come together for this annual Fundraising Event. Learn more on the Fundraising Committee page.
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Neighborhood Program
STAWNO’s Emerald Ash Borer program hit its tenth year in 2022 with huge success in sustaining mature trees while replanting our boulevard canopies. The EAB treatments will continue through 2024. Find out more HERE.
please see Resources & Initiatives for details HERE!
Agendas are published before the Board meeting and sent in our monthly newsletter. Prior agendas can be found HERE.
Sign up for our Newsletter HERE.
An archive of the Board Meeting Minutes can be found HERE.
Documents & presentations from our Board meetings can be found HERE.
PDF of St. Anthony West Neighborhood Organization’s By-laws is HERE.
Please fill out this form if you are interested in becoming a board member. Link to FORM
If you have any questions or don’t hear from us within a few days, please email neighbors@stawno.org.