Neighborhood Initiatives & Programs
STAWNO Renters Engagement Initiative creates opportunities for residents to earn money by being engaged in neighborhood projects and outreach.
Be an Influencer, be an ambassador, be the bellwether. Help grow our community!
Email us if you are interested in more information: neighbors@stawno.org
Apply HERE!
We partner with the Sheridan Neighborhood Organization for our clean up events. Sign up to help in neighborhood clean-ups HERE.
Join us for Renter’s Happy Hour every last Thursday of the month at The NE Yacht Club, 5:30 - 7 pm. Through November 2023.
This monthly gathering is for anyone interested in meeting neighbors, and engaging in neighborhood ideas! Join us!
The NE Yacht Club - 801 Marshall St NE.
See our CALENDAR for details.
Summer Picnic @ Dickman Park
Every year STAWNO celebrates neighbors and our neighborhood by bringing people together for an annual, free Picnic in Dickman Park.
Supported by local businesses, like Kramarczuk’s and Sentyrz, the Picnic is free and open to all. STAWNO Board Members say hello and partake in the festivities with everyone. Both a neighborhood outreach and a social event, the summer picnic is always a hit.
Movie Night @ Dickman Park
Movie night @ Dickman Park is co-sponsored by the Park Board. The outdoor screening will take place on Friday, July 5, with SHREK. 8-10 pm
See our CALENDAR for details
Saint Anthony West Neighborhood Organization & Sheridan Neighborhood Organization are excited to host the 19th Annual Historic Riverfront 5K (2023). Proceeds from the fundraiser support local neighborhood programs.
Fall colors framing the Mississippi make this 5K one of the most enjoyable times of the year to appreciate the riverfront and downtown landscape.
Rain or shine, we have a great time!
Learn more HERE.
Planting the Next Generation Neighborhood Canopy
Chris Linde had seen the harm to the neighborhood when all the boulevard trees on his street were removed at one time. He knew there had to be a better solution. Working with the Park Board, STAWNO came up with a plan to treat some of the ash trees to slow the spread of the disease while planting the next generation of boulevard trees.
EAB had a 10-year plan. We will be well on the way to a new tree canopy when the final treatment was made in 2022. STAWNO paid for this program with a City grant.
To celebrate the program, STAWNO wrapped the treated trees with a blue ribbon. We thank you for all your continued help in watering and taking care of the young trees. We could only have done this together!
The St. Anthony West Neighborhood Organization makes NRP dollars available for designated home improvements through our partner, the Center for Energy and Environment. Property owners in St. Anthony are eligible for low-interest rate home improvement loans and can borrow $5,000 to $40,000 with up to 15 years of repayment for eligible projects. Contact CEE for more information.
Their Minneapolis office is located at 212 3rd Avenue North, Suite 560 in Minneapolis, MN. To contact them call 612-335-5858.
More information:
Neighborhood Resources
Link to DOC when ready
Neighborhood parks: Dickman; B.F. Nelson, Boom Island, Graco, Washington Triangle; Sibley Triangle
Nestled on the banks of the great Mississippi River, the Saint Anthony West neighborhood is home to six parks!
As a neighborhood organization, we are stewards of our parks. STAWNO actively partners with the community, other non-profits, and area governments so these public spaces can continue to meet the changing needs of diverse populations.
See the most recent park initiatives HERE.
MPRB Resources
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB): https://www.minneapolisparks.org/
MPRB Park Improvement & Projects: https://www.minneapolisparks.org/park-care-improvements/park-projects/
Map of all Minneapolis Parks and Dedicated Neighborhood Funds: https://minneapolisparks.maps.arcgis.com
MPLEARNRB Park Care & Improvements: https://www.minneapolisparks.org/park-care-improvements/
LEARN about the STAWNO Riverfront Parks Committee.
Community Engagement. To guide the future of our neighborhood, STAWNO completed a small area plan in 2015. The planning process was very extensive and considered all aspects of community development – land use, urban design, parks and open space, and transportation.
Community members were actively a part of the process through focus groups, meetings, and planning sessions. A devoted group of residents served as the planning committee, volunteering for more than six months to create the plan. One purpose of the Small Area Plan was to assist the City as decisions were made for the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Small Area Plan is in two parts: Volume 1–Current Conditions, and Volume 2–Going Forward.
2040 Comprehensive Plan Includes Down-Zoning for Main St NE. The effective date for the 2040 Plan was January 1, 2020. To fully implement the Plan, subsequent actions such as rezonings are needed. In the case of STAWNO, two areas will be rezoned to provide a better strategy for managing future land uses. The rezonings were originally proposed in the Small Area Plan.
A. The area along Main St NE will have a lower height maximum (goes from 4 stories now to 3 stories maximum height)
B. The area between 2nd St and University Ave NE will have a higher maximum height (goes from 2.5 stories to 4 story maximum)
See Small Area Plan: https://minneapolis2040.com/small-area-plans/st-anthony-west-neighborhood-small-area-plan/
2021: 1000 Main Street NE
The proposed development located at the corner of 10th Avenue NE & Main Street NE is a 5-story, 49-unit apartment building with one level of on-grade enclosed parking containing 13 vehicle parking stalls and 54 indoor bicycle parking spaces for residents and guests. Other amenities include a small outdoor patio, fitness room, and bike lounge. The exterior will consist primarily of glass and brick with metal siding above and fiber cement lap siding.
October 2021: 401 MAIN STREE NE
31-unit apartment building proposed for 401 Main Street. Currently zoned R1A and Interior 3 under the 2040 Built Form Guidelines. The building proposed is 3 stores with underground parking at a total height of 40' - 6".
The developers will be seeking rezoning and variances for front and side yard setbacks. This project is scheduled to be presented at STAWNO's October 14th regular board meeting and go before the City Planning Commission at their November 1, 2021, public hearing.
2021: 400 - 410 2ND STREET NE:
The proposed development is located on two adjacent lots on 2nd Street NE in Minneapolis. The site is currently zoned as R5 and is located in the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area Overlay (MR) District. The lots currently contain two single-family homes that were built in the mid-1970s and will be demolished as part of this project.
The proposed project consists of a 4-story, 85-unit multi-family apartment building with enclosed parking and amenity spaces. The enclosed parking garage will provide 47 vehicle parking spaces and will share a driveway with the previously developed apartment building at 338 2nd Street NE.
The new park was thoughtfully and intentionally designed to acknowledge and celebrate the river and Hall’s Island. Throughout the park there are not only nodes to the river and surrounding landscape, but also to the rich history of the site which was once a lumberyard.
The preferred plan for Graco Park includes five main features that truly define the park. Those features include two broad tree-lined promenades, a river walk, a flexible green, and a building/ plaza zone.
Starting at the corner of Plymouth and Sibley, visitors would traverse down “Hall’s Island Promenade” which would run the entire width of the site (east to west) stretching from the intersection down to the Mississippi River. Running along the promenade on the southern side of the site along Plymouth Avenue would be a large native habitat restoration area. Closer to the river there would be an area for food trucks, a watercraft rental facility, and finally a water access point with pristine views of Hall’s Island.
Somewhat in center of Graco Park there would be a large multi-use building (more on this building later) that would be surrounded by a plaza that includes a sculptural water play area and rain gardens. The area surrounding the building would also include a picnic shelter, a performance green with seating, and native habitat restoration areas.
The northern side of Graco park would run against land that Graco Corporation owns as a potential building site. This side of the park would feature another tree lined promenade that would run from Sibley Street to the river. Flanking the promenade nearly Sibley Street would be space for a future building for the MPRB and a native habitat restoration area and buffer. Further down the promenade towards the river there would be another picnic shelter and finally at the river there would be a larger river gathering space.
Running along the western side of the site/Mississippi River there would be a river walking path route that would mimic the shoreline along with a large flexible green space.
In the middle of Graco Park there would be a regional trail that would connect to Boom Island Park on the southern side of the site via a new trail underpass under Plymouth Avenue. The regional trail would then run through Graco Park and connect to the existing trail that runs behind Graco Corporation’s buildings.
Construction is to begin summer of 2023.
Located at the corner of Marshall Street NE and 10th Avenue NE in the St. Anthony West neighborhood, the new project would replace two single-family homes with a new five-story residential building. The new building would include apartments, indoor amenity space, and one level of enclosed parking space.
Developed by Carl Runck and Mark Iwaskewycz of Monarch Development Partners, LLC, the new building would feature 89 apartments located on levels one through five with amenities spread across the building.
Residential units would range in size from 350 to 862 square feet and would feature studio, one, and two-bedroom layouts. 8% of the housing units within the building would be deemed affordable housing in compliance with the Minneapolis Unified Housing Policy and Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance.
32 parking spaces would be located on one at-grade level within the building. Parking would be accessed at the rear of the building via 10th Avenue NE. Storage space for bicycles would be available at the head of each parking space and in a designated bike room.
Plans for 921 Marshall Street NE were approved by the Minneapolis Planning Commission in October 2022. Construction on the project is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2023.
Link to Development Presentations to the Board.
STAWNO is one of the original fiscal sponsors of the NE Farmers Market and remains a dedicated yearly sponsor. We are proud to support and partner with this great neighborhood non-profit organization & year-round resource.
The NE Farmers Market is located right here in the Saint Anthony West neighborhood from mid-May through mid-October at the St. Boniface Church parking lot, University Avenue at 7th Ave NE. Each Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm, “rain or shine”, you’ll find local produce, crafts, entertainment, and many other treats.
For more information visit https://www.northeastfarmersmarket.com/